Solar and UV
Solar | UV | |
At 08:55 | 0 Watt/M2 | 0.0 |
Max stay in sun (burntime) | 720 minutes | |
Today high | 0 Watt/M2 at 00:00 | 0.0 at 00:00 |
Today low | 0.0 at 00:00 | |
Yesterday high | 63.0 Watt/M2 at 13:29 | 0.0 at 00:00 |
24 hours ago | 0.0 Watt/M2 | 0.0 |
Month high | 179.0 Watt/M2 at 17-12-2024 | 0.0 af 3-11-2024 |
Year high | 1167.0 Watt/M2 at 24-5-2024 | 6.2 at 23-6-2024 |
ALL-TIME højeste | 1512.0 Watt/M2 at 15-6-2012 | 6.6 at 12-1-2012 |
Sunhours today | 00:00 hours | |
Sunhours - last 10 minutes | 0 hours | |
Sunhours - last 60 minutes | 0 hours | |
Sunhours - last whole hour | 0 hours | |
Sunhours in percent of maximum - last 10 minutes | 0% | |
Solhours in percent of maximum - last 60 minutes | 0% | |
Solhours yesterday | 00:00 hours | |
Solhours this month | 02:38 hours |
UV Varsel:
22 Dec 2024:
0.2 Lav |
23 Dec 2024:
0.2 Lav |
24 Dec 2024:
0.2 Lav |
25 Dec 2024:
0.2 Lav |
26 Dec 2024:
0.2 Lav |
27 Dec 2024:
0.2 Lav |
Evapotranspiration-ET (fordampning)
Evapotranspiration (ET) er den samlede fordampning fra jordoverfladen og planternes overflade. Pr. døgn kan den ikke overstige 5 liter vand pr. m2. Ud fra dette tal kan man beregne det maksimale tab af vand pr. døgn, når man kender arealet af planternes drypzoner. Bladenes areal er nemlig i gennemsnit 4-5 gange så stort som dette areal. | |
At 08:55 | 0.2 mm |
Total - Today | 0.0 mm |
Total - Yesterday | 0.3 mm |
Total - last 7 days | 3.6 mm |
Total - this month | 6.4 mm |