Weather at Silkeborg, Denmark 3° - About The Station
Sunrise: 08:53 Sunset: 15:48 Moonrise: 00:32 Moonset: 12:11
Weather at Silkeborg
Icon for current weather

Weather at Silkeborg, Denmark

Weather at Silkeborg was started December 28 2005, where I got a Lacross WS-2305 weatherstation for christmas present.
Saturday 15. Februar 2009 the Lacross weatherstation was changed to a Davis Vantage Pro2
Weather at Silkeborg was created as a public service for residents of Silkeborg and sorroundings and others who have an interesnt in the weather.
This weather station is privately owned and operated, and is placed at our house in the northern Silkeborg.
For a long time I have been interested in the weather and have had several thermometres and raingauges.
28. december 2005 was my Lacross WS-2305 weather station installed.
I the beginning weather data were uploaded every hour to my website by the program "Heavy-Weather" (Came with the weather station)
I quickly realised the excistence of Weather-Display and by the forum Weather-Watch i was convinced that Weather-Display was the program I would use for my weather station and my website.

See whos online at the site right now

Files which are uploaded to the site.
If there are errors or missing upload I will be contacted by e-mail and message at my cellphone, for erros to be corrected
Application Filename Freq. Last Date/Time Status
Weather Display
Live data
clientraw.txt 5 sec 24-12-22 08:52:50 CET 0 sec clientraw.txt OK
24-12-22 08:52:49 CET 6 sec clientraw.txt not current
Weather Display
Vejrdata (FTP)
customclientraw.txt 5 sec 24-12-22 08:52:51 CET 0 sec customclientraw.txt OK
Weather Display
Vejrdata (FTP)
vejrdata.php 5 min 24-12-22 08:50:09 CET 0 sec vejrdata.php OK
Webcam image.jpg 5 min 24-12-22 08:51:09 CET 0 sec image.jpg OK
Blitzortung Lyndetektor bo.txt 5 min 70-01-01 01:00:00 CET 0 sec bo.txt not current
WXSIM - Vejrudsigtsgraf lastret.txt 60 min 24-12-22 08:30:12 CET 0 sec lastret.txt OK
WXSIM - Vejrudsigt plaintext.txt 60 min 24-12-22 08:30:11 CET 0 sec plaintext.txt OK
1.5 hrs 24-12-22 08:00:00 CET 52 min plaintext.txt OK
Information loaded @ 2024-12-22 08:52:55 CET

Never base important decisions or events on data from this private weather station, which is offered as a general guide to local conditions only and should not be relied upon in lieu of officially disseminated weather information for the safety and/or protection of person or property.

Weather at Silkeborg, Denmark
can not be held responsible for events or damage to persons or property, which is caused by weatherdata from this site

About Silkeborg

Silkeborg ligger i Midtjylland og er omgivet af flotte søer og skove.

Map of Silkeborg

Description of equipment

Click here for pictures of the equipment

Member of

Website design

I like to thank the folks, who I have met at the Weather-Watch forum - some few mentioned here:

All above I like to thank for their help and suggestions and a lot of cool PHP scripts.

If you find this site useful to you, please consider making a small donation to help offset my time and the routine expenses of operation of this website.
Thanks for your kind support!
Henrik Jessen, author of Weather at Silkeborg

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PRIVACY | CONTACT © 2006-2024 by/Henrik Jessen