Solopgang: 07:30 Solnedgang: 17:41 Månen op: 05:12 Månen ned: 09:54
Vejret i
Ikon for vejret lige nu
Ny årsrekord: Max. temperatur i dag på 9°C har slået rekorden på 8.7°C sat den 01-01-2025 med 0.3°

Vejrstationer tilmeldt vores globale vejrnetværk


[Weather, Webcam, Lightning] Weather, Lightning, WebCam, [Weather, Lightning] Weather, Lightning, [Weather, Webcam] Weather, WebCam, [Weather] Weather

About the Global Map

This Google Map shows the locations of current affiliated regional weather network member stations.

cluster marker image Markers with numbers indicate clusters of stations - click to zoom the map to show station markers. If you click on a marker for a station, a descriptive window will open and show the station features, a link to the station's homepage, the regional network affiliations for the station, and current conditions at the station (where available).

Affiliated Regional Weather Networks

965 stations in affiliated networks worldwide as of Sat, 22-Feb-2025 20:06:04 UTC

Map data from Affiliated Regional Networks and scripts from Saratoga-Weather.org.
If you have a personal weather station publishing to a personal weather website, you can submit a request to have your data included in this display by visiting the network for your geography from the list above.

PRIVATLIVSPOLITIK | KONTAKT © 2006-2025 silkeborg-vejret.dk v/Henrik Jessen